What We Do

We work with clients and academic experts to problem-solve complex questions around drug value and access.

Our work spans a wide range of therapeutic areas including:

Our Capabilities

With data and evidence at the heart of our work, we combine sophisticated algorithms with intuitive design to:

Health Economics

Leveraging clinical, epidemiological and economic data to create math-based intuitive models

Our approach to developing HEOR models begins by collaborating with clients to design and implement the evidence generation strategy to fill the gaps needed for a customized model.

Our work includes

Observational Studies icon Pharmacoeconomic and budget impact models for HTA submission (NICE, SMC, CADTH) and peer-review publication

Observational Studies icon Adaptation of global/core models for local submissions

Observational Studies icon Risk-benefit and multi-criteria decision models to identify and characterize intended and unintended medication effects

Observational Studies icon Burden of illness models that synthesize multiple data sources

Observational Studies icon Early-stage models to guide Phase I/II product priorities


Evidence Synthesis

Assembling relevant pieces of information from multiple sources to address important research questions

We conduct rigorous systematic literature reviews to inform quantitative or network meta-analysis, as well as more descriptive reviews to bring the proof of scientific literature to research areas.

Of course, we can also provide targeted literature reviews where a more efficient strategy addresses a client’s needs.

Reviews are conducted and reported in accordance with recommended guidelines (i.e., Cochrane Collaborative, PRISMA).

Following the review process, our team designs and implements state-of-the-art evidence syntheses, including indirect treatment comparisons.

We look at complex networks, such as those informed by:

Observational Studies icon Single-arm trials

Observational Studies icon Observational studies

Observational Studies icon Individual patient data for a subset of comparators

Observational Studies icon Systematic reviews of burden of illness data, or natural history evidence to inform economic models for publication

Observational Studies

Bringing a trained eye to look at the clinical landscape and burden of disease for a drug

We design and conduct observational studies across a range of epidemiological territories, including estimating treatment effectiveness or safety, characterizing treatment patterns or the burden of disease, and providing parameter inputs for economic models.

Our competencies include standard and specialized methods of study design, and of course, consideration of the most appropriate ways to account for bias.


Observational Studies icon Retrospective chart review studies

Observational Studies icon Analysis of existing databases with secure processes for data storage and management

Observational Studies icon Quantitative/qualitative surveys of patients, healthcare practitioners and/or general public

Observational Studies icon Prospective observational studies of clinic- or community-based samples to collect select epidemiological, economic and clinician- and patient-reported outcomes (ClinROs and PROs)

We have extensive knowledge of and access to real world data and evidence.

All observational studies include a study design component where we translate a client’s objectives into a feasible study.

We also offer “stand-alone” study design and feasibility including:

Observational Studies icon Contributing guidance to large multinational studies including disease registries

Observational Studies icon Contributing guidance to large multinational studies including disease registries

Observational Studies icon Study protocol to provide comprehensive assessments of timelines,
budget, strengths and limitations before a study is initiated

Data Visualization

Translating complex information into simple interactive dashboards that engage users and communicate clear messages

We design strategic visual explanations of sophisticated data that tell a deeper story than possible with one-dimensional number tables, or sets of number-based comparisons.

Every solution is customized

Our goal is to allow users to understand multi-layered concepts and findings at a glance.

Our data visualization work is a way to communicate the evidence we generate – not just an output of that evidence. Every project is different, so every solution is customized.
We don’t rely on a proprietary or off-the-shelf tool.

Many of our visualizations are predictive models that enable users to explore different scenarios by changing 1 or more variables to illustrate the impact those changes have on other factors.
These include:

Observational Studies icon Value and cost of HCP or drug interventions over time

Observational Studies icon Budget or pricing impact of drugs across populations and geographies

Observational Studies icon Financial consequences of adopting a new therapy

Observational Studies icon Impact of variable factors such as drug adherence against disease trajectories

How can we help you?