This has been a difficult year for everyone. However, Broadstreet has been fortunate in many ways and I thought it would be nice to end the year on a positive note, reflecting on all the things that we have to be grateful for.
So, here’s the (certainly not comprehensive) list:
- We are grateful that our business has continued to grow and that, in this year in particular, we have been able to provide our employees with a stable work environment, giving them one less thing to worry about;
- We are grateful that we get to work with a such a wonderful group of clients, who have all shown solidarity through the scary moments and patience and a sense of humour in the frustrating ones (zoom waiting room limbo springs to mind);
- We are grateful that as a team we have managed to stay healthy and safe;
- We are grateful that we live in a place where our political leaders have recognized that this is a moment to let the scientists take the lead, and that evidence-based public health policies are (for the most part) being followed;
- We are grateful to our province’s chief medical officer and primary architect of the province’s pandemic response, Dr. Bonnie Henry (even if we haven’t entirely forgiven her for cancelling Christmas) for the lives she and her team have saved with astute leadership;
- And more than anything, we are incredibly grateful to finally be seeing the back of this apocalypse of a year!
We wish everyone a safe and healthy holiday and look forward to better times in 2021!